28 Dec 2012

m a n d a l a . . .

Pebble Mandala

I have always love the intricate details of mandalas. The meanings of individual mandalas is usually different and unique to each mandala. The goal of the mandala is to serve as a tool on our spiritual journey as it symbolises cosmic and psychic order.

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27 Dec 2012

i n d i a n f e v e r

Holy : Indian festival of Colours
Holy : Indian festival of Colours

Counting down the day's until my next travel adventure's. Can't wait to immerse myself in india's rich culture, from the warmth of the people, to the taste of the food and from the adventure of travel to the colourful festivals and yoga retreat's. Most importantly to surrender to the flow of life and experience the attitude towards spirituality. 

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a s t r a l p l a n e

The Astral Plane Collection by Maniamania
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