Just finished my back to back double of Bikram yoga tonight and feeling good!!! Every thursday my studio offers a 90 minute intermediate class, including salutes to the sun, a dynamic flow of the beginners postures and additional postures from the original 84 asana’s. It's a hard but fun class and gives you the opportunity to learn Inversions and much more!
The postures that focus on strength I'm not so good at, flexibility is where my strength lies. So each week I'm going to focus on a posture I find difficult...This week is headstand.
Headstand can be scary. It literally turns your world upside down. But, as B.K.S. Iyengar says in his section on Sirsasana in Light on Yoga, “The best way to overcome fear is to face with equanimity the situation of which one is afraid.” With regular practice, you can begin to experience the benefits which led the yogis to call Sirsasana the “King of Asanas.”
Benefit's of HeadStand
- Sirsasana is one of the most important asanas in yoga. It revitalizes the entire body and stimulates the nervous system.
- It is a centering, calming and soothing pose, great for people who suffer loss of sleep.
- Reduces the heart rate and improves respiration and the flow of lymph around the body, which plays a vital part in removing body toxins.
- Inversions reverse the blood flow in the body and improve circulation and increase digestion.
- Headstand strengthens the spine, neck, shoulders and core muscles.
- Headstand relieves pressure in your lower back and your lower body’s veins, particularly those in your legs.
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via om-shanti-shanti |
x o x
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