30 May 2014

e a r t h i n g

express LIBERATE inhale
Hanalei Reponty
Karlie Kloss, Nicaragua trip T Magazine
Winter 2012

in mother earth we believe. take us deep into India one day.
via herbgardening
via wildbelles
via lola-pastel
via Euphoria
Native Citizens by Kent & Claire
via oasis-in-a-desert
Karlie Kloss, Nicaragua trip T Magazine Winter 2012
via oasis-in-a-desert
via herbgardening

Kasia Struss shot by Dylan Forsberg for
Transmission Magazine Fall 2012
Doutzen Kroes for Vogue June 2013 by
Josh Olins via Relax-Be-Breathe
via my-spirits-aroma
via daydreamsonvinyl
via co-rals
via vacantion
via meet me in berlin
via shantichild
via wildbelles

The time is NOW, you are in the present. Inhale ... exhale, releasing all negativity. Firmly plant your feet on the earth and leap forward into your dancers pose (or warrior III, tree pose, half moon ….) Take a jaunt on the grass, sit on the beach, take a hike in the forest, lean against a tree, dip your feet in the ocean. Connect with beautiful mother nature.

x o x 

Ɱ e d i t a t e ǐ t' s ƒ r i d a y

Friday Focus 
via Seul Ray

It's Friday, remember to take some time out for yourself.
Breathe, smile and sit in stillness. 
Meditation is a doorway into the unknown
It can help us get a sense of the mystery of who we are.

Meditate, Namaste ✌ ️ 

x o x

29 May 2014

y o d e l i c e

‪Maxim Nucci (‬Yodelice) -Talk to Me ‪ 

Just finished watching Les petits mouchoirs, a french film filled with comedy and drama. Love this song above, preformed by ‪French singer-songwriter Maxim Nucci in English. 
He has released two albums so far: Tree of Life (2009) and Cardioid (2010). 

 ‪x o x

28 May 2014

a f r i c a n r e t r e a t

Designer Marzia Chierichetti‘s

Earthy Abode in Kenya

Images via Pia Jane Bijkerkfurniture from her line via Be Clever.

Designed by talented Italian designer Marzia Chierichetti created this rustic retreat drawing direct inspiration from the natural and wild surroundings. Tucked away amongst sand-dunes and coconut palms on a broad Indian ocean beach. Marzia allowed her surrounding elements to inspire her, her imagination went rampant in this wild place. She created her own beautiful refuge of light, flowing lines and quiet space. 

x o x 

26 May 2014

d e e p p o w d e r

I so badly want to see this film, have been waiting for it to appear on kickass torrent forever. I wan't to see it!!!!

x o x 

25 May 2014