17 Jul 2013

c h i c k p e a s

Oven-Roasted Chickpeas

It may seem like a hassle to sprout before cooking but it's really not. I managed to convince my roomate to start sprouting and now we have our very own garden right next to the sink :P I like to keep goodies sprouting all the time + it's cheap, easy & quick.

1 cup of soaked (preferably sprouted) chickpeas
1 Tbsp olive oil 
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
choice of herb/spice or both

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Rinse chickpeas then place them on a baking tray.
Pat off any excess water with a kitchen towel.
Drizzle olive oil over the chickpeas, add garlic powder, salt and your choice of herb or spice.
Mix chickpeas until they are coated with olive oil and spices.
Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Watch them closely in the last 5 or so minutes to prevent them from burning.
Enjoy a guilt-free snack!

These roasted chickpeas are the best of both worlds: crunchy and salty and packed with sustaining protein. Once roasted they become nutty, crunchy and addictive!
What's more, they make a healthy snack and are simple to make.You can use any spices you like or adjust the spice to your taste. The possibilities are endless . . .

x o x 

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