Here is a list of 15 simple things to consider incorporating into your healthy routine to help balance your mind, body, and spirit.
1. Exercise - Find an exercise you enjoy and start doing it regularly.
2. Be grateful - Stop to think about the things you have going for you and appreciate them.
3. Get plenty of sleep - Sleep is regenerative for your body. The more sleep you get the better you will perform the next day.
4. Breathe deeply - Whenever you think about it stop and take a deep breath. Over time this will become a healthy habit.
5. Install a shower filter - Chlorine is a poison. You don't want to inhale it or absorb it through your skin while showering.
6. Ground yourself - Literally. Plant your bare feet on the earth as often as possible.
7. Eat organic - Chemicals are killing pests on the crops. They are not good for you either.
8. Do more yoga - Great for the body and mind.
9. Smile more - It feels great :)
10. Spend more time with loved ones - In our busy lives we need to make time for the people who matter to us most.
11. Live your passion - Do more of what you love.
12. Meditate - Set some time aside each day to rest your mind.
13. Drink clean water - Get a filtration system for your drinking water. Fluoride is not good for your body.
14. Get outdoors more - Go for a hike and enjoy nature.
15. Eat plenty of greens - Dark leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. They help alkalize the body.